Why choose us?

We deliver you the best renting experience you could imagine.


If you have any questions we will answer them within a day, we are always ready to talk and help you


We deliver quality to our customers, the house will be problem free delivered.


If any problems may occur we are known in the area and are here to help you

Villa Eleonora
Come visit us!

Get to know us!

Our house has a beautiful view, with an infinity pool!

The Pool

Locavore pinterest chambray affogato art party, forage coloring book typewriter. Bitters cold selfies, retro celiac sartorial mustache.

The View

The Villa is located high on the mountain which makes the view incredible


The Villa has three bedrooms, a kitchen and a livingroom


The Villa is located on top of the mountain of Javeà, the location is directly 5km away from the beach and the centrum

Get in Touch

We are ready to hear from you!

Located in Javeà

Exact adress will be provided after booking

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Han Stall +06... 

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